A venture philanthropy organization that drives cutting-edge research and treatments for brain cance
Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure (ABC2) is committed to speed the pace of research that will lead to new brain tumor therapies and, ultimately, a cure. We take an aggressive, venture funding approach not typically seen in the nonprofit sector:
• A Collaborative Model - We break-down the silos to convene industry, government and researchers and foster innovative partnerships that lead to accelerated drug development. Collaboration within and outside the brain cancer realm helps advance our understanding of brain cancer.
• An Enterprising Attitude - We are smart, innovative, optimistic, inclusive, accountable, and collaborative in our quest for a brain cancer cure. Our fast-track awards process quickly fills gaps in the R&D pipeline and rapidly catalyzes novel research advancements. Our proven business know-how helps leverage funding that may not have been previously invested in brain cancer research.
• A Commitment to Results – We are committed to measurable results and hold ourselves accountable for bringing promising therapies to trial and energizing the brain cancer research community.
Keywords: brain tumor, brain tumor research, brain tumor immunotherapy, brain tumor treatments